BEDO, since inception, has been playing an important role to uplift the socio-economic condition of the poor and down-trodden people of Bangladesh. BEDO always put emphasis to create self-employment opportunities for the poor people so that they can break the shackle of extreme poverty. I am very proud to mention that due to relentless efforts of BEDO, the precarious socio-economic conditions of the beneficiaries in the working areas have been changed. Now they can purchase essential and basic foods and other necessities for their family members with their income and can ensure access to education.
It is praiseworthy to mention that BEDO is running its microfinance programme successfully. BEDO receives funds from PKSF and disburses to poor and hard-core beneficiaries, who are selected through strict selection process to engage them in self-employment to uplift their life. That’s why the loan recovery rate is within expected level.
I am always thankful to the staffs of BEDO who sincerely devote their life to strengthen the organization so that it can achieve its stated goal and objectives within short span of time. I hope they will continue their ongoing efforts with full energy in this direction for building a successful future of BEDO.
Finally, I would like to thank PKSF, other government and non-government organizations and donor agencies for extending their hand and support in this endeavor.
Ferdousi Khanam
President, BEDO

For decades, social enterprises have been playing crucial role in the socio-economic development of Bangladesh. The country has been praised worldwide as a pioneer of different social enterprise models e.g., microfinance. Non-government Organizations (NGOs) have been contributing significantly to the Bangladesh’s journey towards middle-income country by improving the living standard of the disadvantaged and underprivileged people.
BEDO has successfully completed another eventful year with positive outcome in socio-economic development. In the year 1993, BEDO started its journey with long-standing commitment for improving socio-economic conditions of the ultra-poor, poor and marginalized people of the society. Since its inception, BEDO has been implementing need-based programs in a holistic approach for enhancing the living standard of the people of rural and urban area and to help them overcome the vicious cycle of poverty.
I strongly believe that what BEDO has achieved so far are the result of the collaborative efforts of the members of Executive Committee and the General Body. I am deeply indebted to them for their strong leadership and policy-level contributions. I also would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all the donors and partner organizations, especially PKSF, for their incessant assistance and continued cooperation for guiding and assisting BEDO in improving the well-being of the people. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the stakeholders of BEDO for their support, cooperation, and whole-hearted participation in our journey. The relentless efforts, tireless dedications, creative ideas, and collaborative team works of the BEDO staff contributed remarkably towards achieving the long-cherished goal of BEDO.
Finally, I would like to thank all the concerned people and organizations who directly and indirectly supported BEDO in implementing all of its programs.
Executive Director, BEDO
Managing Director, BEDO General Hospital
(Former Lecturer & Consultant Sonologist,
Z.H. Sikder Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka)